How To Add/Delete/Edit Rework

LiveTracking allows you to adjust the Rework attributed to a run by adding, deleting, or editing information.

Table of Contents

Adding Rework

To add Rework to a run in LiveTracking, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the Run Report of the run where you would like to add Rework.
  2. Click on the Rework tab.
  3. Click on the red circle with a + in the middle.
  4. From the dropdown menu, select the event type Rework.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Fill out the details of the new Rework: Start Date and Time, Quantity, Reason, and Notes.
  7. Click Submit.

Note: If you do not find the reason you are looking for, you can add a new one. For more information, see Adding Rework Reasons.

Deleting Rework

To delete Rework in LiveTracking, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Run Report of the run where you would like to delete Rework.
  2. Click on the Rework tab.
  3. Find the Rework you want to delete, and select Delete.
  4. A confirmation popup will appear, check the box, then Delete.

Warning: Deleting Rework removes the data associated with it. There is no undo button.

Editing Rework

To edit Rework in LiveTracking, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Run Report of the run where you would like to edit Rework.edit event waste
  2. Click on the Rework tab.
  3. Find the Rework you want to update, and select Edit.
  4. Change the Rework details: Start Date and Time, Quantity, Reason, and Notes.
  5. Click Submit.

Note: If you do not find the reason you are looking for, you can add a new one. For more information, see Adding Rework Reasons.