Using the Changelog

The Changelog provides a detailed accounting of changes manually made by your organization's users within LiveTracking

Tablet of Contents

Getting Started



Getting Started

To view the Changelog, navigate to Settings > Changelog.

The Changelog is comprised of 7 columns, showing you in-depth details on Date, Time, User, Action, Page, Previous Value, and New Value.

You can filter your results by Date, User, Actions, and Pages.

Note: Some pages will show a preview of the last change made. Last Edit: Target speed changed to 28 lbs/min by James Thomas on December 25, 2023 at 5:53:38 PM EST


LiveTracking considers three types of actions, Added, Modified, and Deleted. Each of these actions is being tracked across different pages.


  • The "Added" action refers to the creation of new items or settings within the application.
  • When an item is added, the Changelog will display relevant details such as the date and time of addition, the user who added it, and the key attributes of the newly added item.
  • Actions added to the system automatically by the data capture hardware, or automatically managed by the system will not show up here. 
Preview Log Entry: "100 Finished Goods added by James Thomas on December 25, 2023, at 3:45:32 PM ."


  • The "Modified" action is recorded when existing settings, parameters, and details are changed.
  • The log will detail the nature of the modification, including what was changed, the previous value, the new value, and the user who made the change.
Preview Log Entry: "Target Speed changed to 36.0 Bags/Min by Sarah Lam on November 23, 2023 9:18:57 AM"


  • The "Deleted" action is tracked when an existing item or setting is removed from LiveTracking.
  • The log captures the details of the deletion, showing the specific setting or downtime that was removed, along with the date, time, and the user responsible for the deletion.

Preview Log Entry: "Short Stop Downtime Deleted by Geoff Jones on January 29, 2024 8:00:21 AM"


In LiveTracking, the Changelog records changes across various pages, providing a detailed and transparent record of all activities.

Pages include; Auto End, Auto Start, Downtime Details, Line Attributes, Output Details, Product Attributes, Product Details, Rework Details, Run Details, and Waste Details.