How To Recalibrate a Q4X Sensor

LiveTracking uses various sensors which includes the Q4X. This guide will help you in recalibrating a Q4X sensor to increase detection rates.

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The Q4X series sensors are a banner engineering product that LiveTracking uses as an input for the system. For the most detailed instructions on setting up, configuring and calibrating the sensor, visit this link. There you will find downloadable PDFs.

This article will go over the simplest version of recalibration, as it is typically all that's needed.

Image of the Sensor

Sensor picKeep in mind that you may have a different sensor that does not require calibration or a direct PLC connection. If you are unable to identify the sensor dedicated to LiveTracking on your line, contact or Submit a Ticket.


This sensor only detects objects that pass within a specific range. You can increase or decrease the range by using the plus and minus buttons on the sensor.

Locking the Sensor

To lock the sensor, hold + and press - four times. Holding + and pressing - four times unlocks the sensor.