Import Product Lists

Upload all of your products directly into LiveTracking

Table of Contents

Required Properties

File Requirements


Required Properties

  1. Product Code: A unique identifier used internally to distinguish products.

  2. Product Name: The official name of the product.

  3. Line Name: The specific production line or series to which the product is assigned.

  4. Category: Broad classification the product falls into, indicating its general type.

  5. Sensor Count:

    • Input Value: The factor by which incoming sensor pulses are multiplied to determine the quantity of product passing by. For example, if 5 cookies pass for each sensor pulse, this value is set to 5.
    • Input Unit: The measurement unit for the sensor input, such as Pulses, Cycles, or Units.
    • Display Unit: The unit shown in displays or reports, tailored to the end product, e.g., Cookies, Bottles, or Stacks.
    • Output Conversion: Formula or factor used to convert sensor input to the display unit, ensuring accurate representation of production data.
  6. Speed:

    • Input Value: Multiplier for converting sensor pulses to real-time speed. 
    • Input Unit: Measurement of production speed detected, such as Pulses/min or Cycles/min.
    • Display Unit: The unit used to describe product speed in reports, such as Bottles/min or Cookies/min.
    • Output Conversion: The method used to convert speed from input to display units, facilitating understandable speed metrics.
  7. Rework:

    • Input Value: Multiplier adjusting the quantity of product reworked based on input data.
    • Input Unit: Measurement of rework input (e.g., KGs, Tons).
    • Output Unit: The unit for reworked product output, such as Bars, Packs, or Cookies.
    • Output Conversion: Factor converting rework input to output units, clarifying the extent of rework in production terms.
  8. Waste:

    • Input Value: Multiplier adjusting the quantity of product waste based on input data.
    • Input Unit: Measurement of waste input (e.g., KGs, Tons).
    • Output Unit: The unit for reworked product output, such as Bars, Packs, or Cookies.
    • Output Conversion: Factor converting rework input to output units, clarifying the extent of rework in production terms.
  9. Finished Goods:

    • Input Value: Multiplier adjusting the quantity of Finished Goods based on input data.
    • Input Unit: Measurement of Finished Goods input (e.g., Cases, Master Cases).
    • Output Unit: The unit for reworked product output, such as Cases, Packs, or Master Cases.
    • Output Conversion: Factor converting rework input to output units, clarifying the extent of Finished Goods in terms of final output.

File Requirements

Files uploaded need to be in CSV. or XLSX

Example File

Download this XLSX. file and modify it with your facility's SKU list.

Download Example File