How Efficiency is Calculated in LiveTracking

Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) is the primary performance metric of LiveTracking. Understanding the OEE calculation will help you measure the true performance of all lines across the factory floor.

Table of Contents

Key Terms

Term Definition
Actual Time The actual time it took to complete production
Potential Time Optimal duration to complete production
Sensor Count The count of goods that LiveTracking detected at the bottleneck/measurement point
Finished Goods The total amount of goods that come off the end of the line
Good Output Quality goods that can be sold/used elsewhere. LiveTracking uses Sensor Counts as Good Output to calculate OEE. LiveTracking will calculate OEE from Finished Goods instead of Sensor Count if there is a value present for that metric.
Maximum Bottleneck Speed / Target Speed This is the fastest speed at which the bottleneck process can operate. LiveTracking uses Target Speed for each product as the Max Bottleneck Speed.




Efficiency in LiveTracking breaks down like so.

Formula Example
Efficiency = Potential Time / Actual Time


Potential Time: 3.33hrs

Actual Time: 10hrs


= 3.33hrs /10hrs

= 33.3% Efficiency

Actual Time = Start time of the run - End time of the run


Start time: 7:00 AM (0700 in 24hr format)

End time: 5:00 PM (1700 in 24hr format)


= 1700 - 0700

= 10 hrs

Potential Time = Good Output / Target Speed Given:

Good Output: 10000 Trays

Target Speed: 50 Trays/min


= 10000 Trays / 50 Trays/min

= 200 min

= 3.33hrs