How To Add/Delete/Edit a Sensor Count

LiveTracking allows you to adjust the Sensor Counts in a run by adding, deleting, or editing information.

Table of Contents


Adding a Sensor Count

To add a Sensor Count to a run in LiveTracking, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the Run Report of the run where you would like to add a sensor count.
  2. Click on the Sensor Count tab.
  3. Click on the red circle with a + in the middle.
  4. From the dropdown menu, select the event type Sensor Count, then press Next.
  5. Fill out the details of the new Sensor Count: Start Date and Time, Quantity, and Notes.
  6. Click Submit.

Note: The quantity for a sensor count can be positive or negative, allowing you to add to or subtract from the total Sensor Count.


Deleting a Sensor Count

To delete a Sensor Count in LiveTracking, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Run Report of the run where you would like to delete a Sensor Count.
  2. Click on the Sensor Count tab.
  3. Find the Sensor Count you want to delete, and select Delete.
  4. A confirmation popup will appear, select the box, then Delete.

Warning: Deleting a Sensor Count removes the data associated with it. There is no undo button.


Editing a Sensor Count

To edit a Sensor Count in LiveTracking, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Run Report of the run where you would like to edit a Sensor Count.image-png-Aug-09-2022-02-43-19-09-PM
  2. Click on the Sensor Count tab.
  3. Find the Sensor Count you want to update, and select Edit.
  4. Change the Sensor Count details: Start Date and Time, Quantity, and Notes.
  5. Click Submit.

Note: The quantity for a sensor count can be positive or negative, allowing you to add to or subtract from the total Sensor Count.